
What happens to your hearing at a music festival? image

What happens to your hearing at a music festival?

Dr. Kohan was interviewed for Mother Nature Network on the effects of a music festival on your hearing.  Even though we’re all susceptible to hearing damage at a music festival,...

The Best Headphones for Kids, According to Pediatric Ear Experts image

The Best Headphones for Kids, According to Pediatric Ear Experts

Dr. Darius Kohan was recently interviewed for an article by He’s quoted as saying: If you do buy...

Here’s the Reason You Hear Only ‘Laurel’ or ‘Yanny’

Dr. Darius Kohan was recently interviewed for an article by He’s quoted as saying: But experts say our senses are not nearly so infallible. In fact, these instances instead highlight how subjective our own faculties can be. “The way we interpret sound is very, very individual,” Dr. Darius Kohan, director of otology/neurotology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, told Healthline. “It’s not that one person is correct and the other one is incorrect. It’s the way that we reflect the vibrations of sound and how they’re being transmitted into the inner ear...

Dr. Kohan to be Inducted to Children Hearing Institute Medical & Educational Advisory Board

The Children’s Hearing Institute is pleased to announce our Benefit Cocktail Reception on Thursday, May 10th in the Delegates Dining Room at the United Nations. This exclusive event will commemorate CHI’s 35th Year and launch our exciting new campaign: #HearInNewYork. Members of the new Advisory Board will: 1) act as ambassadors of CHI and its mission while representing the organization at meetings requested by the GPcwd 2) assist CHI in expanding its Educational Outreach Program by strategizing and identifying topics of interest, dynamic speakers, and cutting edge research in support of our ongoing conference schedule 3)...

Drinking May Worsen Hearing Loss at Loud Concerts

Dr. Darius Kohan was interviewed for an article in In the article he is quoted as saying: THURSDAY, April 19, 2018 — High-decibel music blasting at big concert venues is a known cause of short-term hearing loss. But new research suggests drinking doesn’t help matters, with drunk concertgoers actually moving closer to loudspeakers. Dr. Darius Kohan directs otology/neurotology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. He noted that while there have been many lab-based studies on hearing loss, “studies in ‘real-life’ settings...

Patients’ Hearing Loss May Mean Poorer Medical Care

Many seniors may not hear everything their doctors tell them, new research suggests, and that could raise the risk of medical errors. “In our study of 100 patients 60 and older, 43 reported mishearing a doctor or nurse in an inpatient or community health care setting, lending vulnerability to unintended error,” said researcher Simon Smith, from the University College Cork School of Medicine, in Ireland. Earlier research has found that improved communication between doctors, nurses and families could prevent 36 percent of medical errors, Smith added. The problem is not just a matter of doctors speaking louder. “The ability to...

How You Can Lose Your Hearing During a ‘Sonic Attack’

Damage can be done without pain or noticeable symptoms in this type of attack that was reportedly used against U.S. diplomats in Cuba. Sound can be weaponized. If you don’t believe that, you might want to read some recent news stories coming out of Cuba. There are reports that a group of U.S. diplomats on the island nation suffered hearing loss from a mysterious “sonic attack.” The Associated Press reported last week that several U.S. diplomats in Cuba started to lose their hearing in the fall of 2016 due to unexplained circumstances. Some had...

Hearing Loss Rates Holding Steady for U.S. Teens

There’s good and bad news from a new study on the noise blasted in American teenagers’ ears — more kids are listening to music via earphones than ever before, but rates of hearing loss have not increased. Still, “the overall take-home message … is that not only are the elderly at danger of significant hearing loss — so are our children, at a time in their lives when education is key to their success in life,” said hearing expert Dr. Darius Kohan, who reviewed the new study. He directs otology/neurotology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. The new...

Dr. Darius Kohan is chosen as New York Top Doctor in 2015.

Dr. Darius Kohan is chosen as New York Top Doctor in 2015. Dr. Darius Kohan, a New York City Otologist/Neurotologist has been selected for the New York Magazine list of New York Top Doctors by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. New York, NY June 15, 2015— Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., America’s trusted source for identifying Top Doctors, has provided...

Study to Treat Tinnitus with Oxytocin

People suffering from chronic ringing in the ears — called tinnitus — may find some relief by spraying the hormone oxytocin in their nose, a small initial study by Brazilian researchers suggests. Oxytocin — dubbed the “love hormone” because it promotes social connections — might also help relieve the annoying and sometimes disturbing noises of tinnitus. “Oxytocin has actions in the brain and the ear that may help in tinnitus treatment and provide immediate relief,” said lead researcher Dr. Andreia Azevedo. She is with the department of otolaryngology at the Universidade Federal de...

Hearing Loss Widespread, ‘Progressive’ in Older Americans

Widespread Hearing Loss Among the Elderly A new study finds widespread hearing loss among elderly Americans, with an especially high rate for those 90 and older. In the study sample of 647 people aged 80 and above, nearly all had some level of hearing loss based on test results, with the over-90s the most affected. “Hearing loss accelerates with age in the oldest old, a population in which hearing aids are vastly underused despite their great potential benefit,” concluded a team led by Dr. Anil Lalwani from Columbia University College of Physicians...

Hearing Loss Tips

Top 3 Hearing Loss Tips Darius Kohan, MD is the leading otologist and hearing loss expert. Learn his top 3 hearing loss tips to keep in mind whether you are preventing, handling or treating hearing loss. 1. Preventing hearing loss: Avoid exposure to loud music/noise (celebrations, concerts, Ipad, loud restaurants, clubs, gyms, et al.), carry noise attenuating ear plugs...